大急流城的室内空气质量测试, MI for your home can alert you to possible pollutants 和 contamination in the air you are breathing throughout the day. It may surprise you to learn that the air inside your home can often be more polluted than that outside. 现代住宅相对密闭, 所以除非你经常打开窗户, 几乎没有空气循环来分散污染物和改善空气质量. hg6686 & 制冷可以帮助你监测和改善室内空气质量, 因此,请继续阅读,了解更多与我们合作的信息.




    Your home is filled with appliances 和 other items that can pollute your indoor air, 比如燃气灶. 灰尘, 宠物毛屑, 脱落的皮肤细胞, 病毒, 细菌也会进入你的空气中, 可能导致或加剧呼吸问题, 包括过敏和哮喘. With indoor air quality testing, you can know for sure just how contaminated your air is. 有了这些知识,你就可以做些事情了.

    • 缓解呼吸问题的症状
    • 确定要针对的问题区域
    • 随着时间的推移监控改进情况
    • 提高暖通hg6686系统的效率

    当你打电话给Bel-Aire供暖公司 & 空气质量测试的冷却, 我们会派技术人员去你在大急流城的家进行彻底检查. We’ll test the air in multiple areas throughout your home to locate any areas in particular that area especially polluted. 一旦我们知道要对付的是什么, we can develop a customized plan to improve your air quality so you 和 your loved ones can breathe more easily.

    我们提供各种解决方案来改善您的空气质量. This includes interventions like air filters, 增湿器, UV sanitizers, 和 more. We’ll tailor our approach to the unique needs of your 大急流城 home, as well as your budget. We’ll work with you to create a plan that works for your budget while still achieving your air quality goals. 我们将定期跟进,以确保我们的努力奏效.


    我们已经在当地经营了60多年,我们的许多 加热冷却技术人员 在我们的团队工作了30年以上. This is a testament to our dedication to meeting 和 exceeding the needs of not just our clients, 还有我们的团队成员.

    了解更多关于我们在大急流城的室内空气质量检测服务, 联系Bel-Aire供暖公司 & 今天冷. We’ll take the time to answer all of your questions 和 set you up with a free consultation to discuss your air quality needs more thoroughly.


    美国.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has estimated that indoor air levels of pollutants may be two to five times, 有时甚至超过100次, 高于室外空气污染水平. Indoor air pollutants have been ranked among the top five environmental risks to public health. The problems they cause can be subtle 和 do not always produce easily recognized or immediate impacts on health. The average adult at rest inhales 和 exhales around seven or eight liters of air per minute – around 11,每天可吸入1000升空气(388立方英尺).


    hg6686 & 冷却 offers a whole home indoor air quality approach not only increases the quality of the air within your home, 但它也大大减少了你的家庭能源消耗, 这反过来又节省了你的能源费用. 拥有一个高端的过滤器是不够的. The primary purpose of a furnace / central air filter is to protect the HVAC equipment, 不是为了改善室内空气质量, 正如许多房主所相信的那样. Some of these expensive furnace / HVAC filters even restrict air flow across the heat exchanger or evaporator, 降低机组效率, raising your home utility bills 和 possibly causing furnace damage due to over加热 or causing the AC unit to ice up 和 not cool properly.

    便携式或室内空气质量产品的操作费用可能很昂贵, oftentimes requiring expensive filters or frequent refilling in the case of portable 增湿器. Our air quality products are professionally installed to your existing forced air furnace or air conditioning system 和 require very little maintenance 和 operate silently.

    在Bel-Aire供暖公司 & 冷却, we are experts at providing air filtration products that work along with your central 加热 和 central air conditioning system. 下面自己使用的解决方案是有效的, 但是结合起来, 为哮喘患者提供最大限度的解决方案, 过敏, 或者其他呼吸问题. 我们提供全系列的伦诺克斯室内空气质量产品, 比如整个家庭的空气过滤系统, 增湿器, 和紫外线杀菌灯, 以及风管修补更换和风管密封.


    Germicidal lights use intense rays of ultraviolet light to control 和 kill contaminants like 病毒, 细菌, 模具, 和酵母. 安装在您的暖通hg6686管道系统内, Lennox Healthy Climate UV Lamp attacks 和 kills 模具 和 细菌 that can grow in moist 加热 和 cooling systems which then circulate through your home. Silent operation enhances your family’s comfort 和 health 和 improves the air throughout your entire home.



    • Powerful ultraviolet energy helps eliminate biological contaminants like 模具 和 细菌
    • 改善空气质量,保护设备表面消毒
    • 双灯或单灯可选
    • 可选2000微瓦(UV-2000)或1496微瓦(UV-1000)
    • UL列
    • 保修部件5年有限保修

    空气净化器 & 过滤器

    如今的房屋比以往任何时候都隔热得更好. 虽然这对节约能源很有好处, it also means that millions of airborne particles are trapped indoors where they continue to circulate throughout your home, 还有你家人呼吸的空气. The Lennox PureAir system whole home air purifiers 和 filter systems work with your 加热 和 cooling system to provide a thorough, whole home solution to remove these particles 和 dramatically improve the quality of your indoor air. 除了提供任何制造商无法比拟的卓越过滤, these indoor air quality products can also help prolong the life of your 加热 和 cooling system by keeping it free from 污垢 和 dust buildup.



    • Only single indoor air quality system to attack all three classes of indoor air contaminants – small, 可呼吸的微粒,如灰尘, 污垢, 花粉和过敏原——空气中的霉菌孢子, 细菌和病毒——气味和化学蒸气
    • 自动更新
    • 医院住院护理/普通外科级别过滤, 整个家庭净化工作与您现有的加热和冷却系统
    • 保修部件5年有限保修


    加热时增加湿度, 干燥的空气, 让空气感觉更温暖, 有助于减少皮肤干燥, 静电冲击. There are also cost savings because you can lower the thermostat 和 still be comfortable. The Healthy Climate Power Humidifier attaches to your furnace or air h和ler 和 adds moisture to air moving through the duct system. A built-in fan allows the unit to circulate humidified air even when your 加热 system is not in operation.



    • Maintains optimal comfort during 加热 seasons by minimizing problems associated with 干燥的空气
    • Creates a healthier home 和 lessens skin irritations, sore throats, 和 respiratory problems
    • Provides an easier-to-use option to portable units-no need to constantly fill 和 clean units
    • 内置风扇有助于循环加湿空气
    • 提供自动控制,以保持湿度精确的地方,你需要它
    • 保修部件5年有限保修
    • 自动更新


    新房子和一些老房子可以紧密建造以节约能源, but this can often times have a negative impact on homes without proper ventilation. 一个密闭的家没有办法让室内环境焕然一新. An ideal solution for tightly sealed homes is a Health Climate Energy Recovery Ventilator (ERV). ERV系统将室内的污浊空气与室外的新鲜空气交换. 确保绝对舒适, 该系统在污染空气被转移到室外之前从空气中捕获热量.



    • 提供更清洁、更新鲜的室内空气
    • 设计为在寒冷的气候中提供舒适
    • 在排出之前从室内空气中传递热量
    • 不会因适当过滤而限制气流
    • Ideal for new homes which are tightly sealed or remodeled homes with energy efficiency upgrades
    • 所有单元都包括健康气候墙控制
    • 保修部件5年有限保修
    Call us today for more information 和 we will help you select the right air quality product for your home 和 family.